Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday in Moroleon, Mexico

The day has been a long but productive one. It began at 5:30 am with Joe and me accompanying Pastor Roberto to participate in his radio program. He does a weekly radio program from 6:00 - 7:00. It is an AM station and the format consists of the pastor reading and expounding on a passage of Scripture with some music and then people call with prayer requests. Joe and I had the privilege of speaking for a few minutes on the program with Nahum (Pastor's son) translating for us. I shared Matthew 6:33, and the Lord used His Word to impact the host and the people listening. It was a good experience.

After the radio program, we were off to the construction site in Moroleon which is an hour away from Morelia where the pastor lives. We arrived at the construction site, and we began preparing the footings for concrete. We assembled the steel forms for the columns by hand and then began mixing concrete by hand. It was extremely hard work.

We had a dedication service for the property before the concrete was poured on the first footing. The service consisted of the pastor reading Scripture, praying and then placing a Bible in a plastic bag at the base of the footing and concrete was poured for the footing. It was a wonderful symbol of our faith and reminder that God's Word is what we stand on as believers. At the end of the day, we had finished seven forms and placed them in concrete. It was difficult work but worth it.

The ladies once again went door-to-door in the community distributing the Gospel of John and attempting to discover prospects for the mission (La Joya). I think the distribution went well. In the afternoon, they worked with the children at the church in Moroleon. I believe they had 53 children today. They made another craft with a Bible verse on them and also played some games.

Needless to say, there is no rest for the weary but the Lord has blessed us with strength and good health.

Thank you for your prayers.

1 comment:

Scott Baptist said...

Hey Bro. Luke,

We just wanted to say hello to you all and let you know that we are praying for you all. I know it is HARD manual labor work and it is difficult but also that the Lord is also blessing the people there that see you giving your all. He is also blessing you in more ways than you probably see right now. I have forwarded your reports to the churches and have asked that they have a time of special prayer for you all tonight as they meet for prayer meeting.

Don't get discouraged or weary from the labor but press on. We are continuing to lift you up in our prayers as we pray for your strength to be able to work and that the Lord will open doors for Bible studies and souls to come to Him.

Tell all hello for us and we love you all.

Bro. Mike says he knows there is no problem sleeping at night with all the hard work. He just wishes he was there to help you. We are praying for you all. Tell the family hello.

Susie and Bro. Mike - Scott County Baptist Association